AUTHOR, African American Women Mathematicians Activity Book
I just do what I do. I just keep providing the best product possible and I always find that people respect that.
SHELLY Is No Hidden Figure. She Is A Mathematics Queen: "As an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education, I teach mathematics content and methods to pre-service elementary school teachers. I also teach mathematics pedagogy to in-service secondary mathematics teachers. My courses always consist of teaching mathematics in a culturally relevant way."
No Guilt. Just Pleasure.: "I provide professional development to mathematics teachers through contracts with K-12 school districts as well as after school-type programs. Most of my professional development is provided in my home state of Connecticut; however, I've also done work in Brazil with the Citizen Ambassador program, in Ecuador with Teacher 2 Teacher International, and in Bermuda through the Ministry of Education. In addition, I always do work in my community with the Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc., local churches, and nonprofit organizations."
Playa Hatin' Unnecessary. I'm Runnin' The Game: "I just do what I do. Sometimes people take you for granted but I just keep providing the best product possible and I always find that people respect that. In fact, people are sometimes surprised when they see where you've been and who you know. They treat you a different way when they learn your worth even though you are the same person they just overlooked." *MIC. DROP.*
Recent Display of #SpelmanBlackGirlBrilliance: "I co-authored a book chapter on The Brilliance of Black Children in Mathematics: Beyond the Numbers and Toward New Discourse. I am also writing a children's activity book to honor African American Women Mathematicians. Inspired by the book Hidden Figures, I hope to shine the light on more African American women mathematicians and the work they do. Students will have fun solving equations to uncover math facts, completing word searches to learn important mathematician's names, learning math history through crossword puzzles, using their math brain to solve magic squares, searching for math tools in eye spy pages, and coloring scenes portraying these brilliant women using mathematics."
SHELLY'S Next Vulcan Chess Move: "My target is to write a series of books to honor African American women mathematicians, African American women in STEM, and all other women of color in STEM. I will do this through children's activity books as well as teacher resource materials. Full lesson plans will be available for teachers to teach culturally relevant mathematics to more fully engage students of color in the math/mathematics pipeline; hence a pathway to STEM careers." My News Source In An Apocalypse Is: With the limited options presented, "I would choose Jet Magazine because of its long-standing history in the Black community. You just can't beat that." Bottomless Brunch or Happy Hour Tapas?: Tapas! Tapas! Whose got tapas?!? "I love happy hour tapas because you can share! I love to have a beverage of choice, eat light, and have lively conversation. Too much food and you forget to have a dialogue."